Day 1 of NaNoWriMo

and I was diagnosed with a sinus infection and bronchitis.  I admit I have been suffering for weeks.  I hate the doctor.  I’m a lousy patient  I have some chronic conditions that I have let go untreated for way too long so when something is wrong I hesitate to go to the doctor because I only want to talk about the current problem and they want to talk about the big ones.   I have to say the urgent care doctor was fabulous last night.  She addressed the chronic problems without being snarky about it and treated the condition that brought me in to her clinic.   It was greatly appreciated.    So as usual I digress.  I did meet my goal yesterday, partially because the cough kept me up past midnight and I had a good writing spurt at lunch.  Didn’t get a word in after that.  Hoping for a good lunch again today and some writing tonight.  Will hold off on the narcotic cough medicine until after writing LOL. 



National Novel Writing Month is coming. 

What are you writing?  I’ve got a couple of ideas and can’t make up my mind which one I want to go with for this year.  I’m hoping this year will go a little more smoothly.  I had technical difficulties last year.   I’m really excited about both of my ideas and feel they are more “plotted” than what I started with last year and am still working on now that it’s almost NaNo time again. 

So let me know what you’re working on and I’ll keep you updated on my progress.  I’m DandWH on NaNoWrimo and would love more friends.

Happy Writing.

Writing, Editing, Struggling

Okay So I have my work in progress from last NaNoWriMo (November) and I finished it after the first of the year.   My problem, my struggle is that I have been editing it ever since.  In the mean time I have written a couple of short stories.  But I am stuck.  Until I finish this I can’t move on to the next thing.  NaNoWriMo is coming soon and I have two great ideas that are percolating in my head.  What do I do?  I need some motivation to get me through these last 60 or so of pages that I have to edit.   I need to submit this story and move on with my life.  So I’m going to post this blog post and pick up my editing notes and get through with this. 

Keep in mind I need motivation.  Comment let me know what you do to get through the parts of writing that seem like chores.    I hate having these new stories in my head and not being able to do anything with them.  HELP. 

Darlene’s Got Her Groove Back

I had a great day of writing.  Edited many pages added 1500 words.  Things are good.  I think I finally found that groove I was in last year when I was getting so much done.   Wrote at lunch, wrote last night, wrote this morning.  I am in the zone and it is good.  Hope to have the WIP, A Love to Remember ready to submit by the end of this month.  NaNoWrimo is coming and I have big plans for that.  Life is good.  Happy Tuesday and Happy Writing.


So I actually opened the word processor on the laptop. Hadn’t touched my Nano Project since January, sad. It’s finished it just needs editing. So I went through the first three chapters again. Made some corrections and some additions. Then I sent it off to my fabulous friend who is my beta reader/editor. She reads all the time, so she has a sense of what is good and what isn’t if she will just try not to spare my feelings and be honest about my work she’s a great person to read for me. She’s also a self-proclaimed grammar Nazi.

Besides finally getting back on track with my writing/editing, life has thrown me another curve. My car is in the shop. Having major brake issues and I am carless for now. Just when things seem to be getting better something else happens. But this too shall pass. Of course I have no room to complain things could be much worse. Thinking of people facing great adversity made me think of the movie Defiance. Talk about adversity it’s amazing what those people did. If you haven’t seen Defiance with Daniel Craig and Liev Schrieber, you must. It is hard to watch in some places but it is an amazing story of courage and perseverance in the face of great adversity. Here’s a picture of Daniel and Liev from the movie.

Writer’s Block

Well it’s actually not a block, it’s just that I can’t seem to pick up the darn laptop and edit my Nano Project which is done or finish my other WIP. What is wrong with me. I love both of the stories. I want to send them out in to the world but I just can’t make myself do what needs to be done. I’ve got space in my room to write. The laptop is plugged in I just can’t get my butt in the chair. I’ve got to get back into that writing every day mode. I was writing at night and in the morning and on my lunch break a lot of days now NOTHING. I’ve got to get past this.

On a brighter note Reed finished 2nd at Nashville this weekend. He’s doing great this season when he gets to drive. Things should be looking up. I know those weekends he isn’t driving have to be hard but this too shall pass. GO REED GO. So in honor of Reed’s great finish here’s a different kind of picture. Reed a little more dressed up and with Laura.

The Move, Writing & Racing

Okay my stuff (for the msot part) is in the new house. I hate the thought of unpacking, but taking this space and making it my own will be a good thing.

I think I am going to be able to carve out a good spot to write. I want some place comfortable with few distractions. I haven’t written a thing since New Year’s weekend. I need to edit my Nano project and work on finisihing my Nascar romance. I’ve got a Young adult tale that has been in my head since the end of January and the beginning of an inspirational.

Was looking forward to watching Nascar this afternoon but alas the race has been delayed. Easter of course is an off week and then Saturday night racing under the lights in Phoenix. Got to love night racing. Ready to see Reed behind the wheel this year. I think if he could get some more time on the track he could end up with a ride again.


It’s really cold here in the Florida Panhandle today so I am spending the day editing my NaNoWrimo project. What a chore editing is. I never dreamed writing was so difficult. This story is about a nurse falling for her amnesiac patient and leaving town with him to hide from the men trying to kill him. Of course they fall in love. The hero in this story has Tom Selleck, the Magnum version as my inspiration. I’ve got to finish this one and get back to my Nascar story. The very sweet hero of that story isn’t based on anyone in particular but Reed Sorenson is always lurking around in my mind when I write that character. The reason I am focusing on finishing is because I keep having thoughts about a Daniel Craig-esque character. Those of you who write understand those thoughts get in your head and they must come out. So for your veiwing pleasure, here are the men who inspire me.

Back to Normal…

or as normal as it gets.  NaNoWriMo is over.  I wrote 44,407 words in the month of November.  I didn’t get the big 50k but I’m happy with what I did.   I’m trying to get that story wrapped up so I can get back to my pre-NaNo project.  I feel much better not feeling like I have wo write in every spare moment though.   I feel like I’ll be more productive and my writing will be better.    We’ll see….  So now I can blog again and I can read blogs again and maybe even pick up a book.   Normal isn’t so bad.

NaNo is Over I Shall Return

I made it through Nano didn’t win but I am happy anyway.  I promsto post a real post by tomorrow.  Stay Tuned for something FUN