Happy Halloween

For me Halloween does not bring to mind scary spooky images.

No ghosts or ghoulies.

Halloween makes me think of a ppier more simple time

trick-or-treating dressing up as a princess

Jack O’Lanterns not vampires and werewolves

Coming home with a huge bag of candy and spreading it out all over the floor.  Picking out the good stuff for myself.  My mom carefully reviewing my choices.

Candy to go with lunch at school the next day.

Those are the thoughts that come to mind when I think of Halloween.

So how does all this tie in with Romance and my writing?  Well both of my stories have a nostalgic element.  In Always a Bride,  Alex runs into her high school sweetheart and longs for those less complicated days.  In Dog Day Afternoons, Jessica is grieving when her dog drags her in to an encounter with her childhood idol and she rethinks her childhood fantasies.  If either of these stories sounds interesting to you I’ll be giving one lucky reader their choice of Something Borrowed (featuring Always a Bride) or Unleashed Hearts (with Dog Day Afternoons)  Just leave a comment with your e-mail address and just for fun tell me what your favorite candy was when you went trick-or-treating.  

Unleashed Hearts

Unleashed Hearts

This is the cover of the Anthology my story Unleashed Hearts will appear in next month.

Welcome Jillian Chantal, A Valentine Treat

Today we have a guest blogger, my friend and one of my favorite authors, Jillian Chantal has dropped in to tell us about one (stay tuned for more) of her current releases.   Jillian writes with the fabulous ladies of Still Moments Publishing and has a Valentine treat for us.   So without further ado here’s Jillian:

Thanks for inviting me to be on your blog today, Darlene. I’m here to talk a little bit about my short story in a Valentine’s Day Anthology from Still Moments Anthology.

My story is The Coroner’s Heart and takes place mostly in a crime lab. The heroine is the city coroner and the hero is a blood analyst in the lab. The mayor of the city is dead and there’s a big push in the lab and morgue to figure out how and why.

As the investigation goes on, there’s also an office party planned for Valentine’s Day and the heroine decides to make a candy heart- an anatomically correct heart- for the party. This heart plays an integral part in the story.

The hero is a sarcastic man who likes to say things to the coroner to aggravate her, but suddenly, this Valentine’s Day, his behavior changes and he starts to flirt with her. The abrupt change in his actions towards her throws her off kilter somewhat.

This was a fun story to write and I really like the hero. I hope the readers like him as much as I do.

This anthology can be purchased here: http://www.stillmomentspublishing.com/ I will also give away one e-copy to a commenter who tells me their favorite Valentine’s Day candy and why it’s their favorite.

Thanks again for the invite, Darlene.

Find me on the web: http://www.JillianChantal.com

Thanks for coming by Jillian and giving my readers the chance to win a copy of this great anthology. You are one of my readers favorites we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Big News

I’ve been offered a contract with Still Moments Publishing. My story Always a Bride will be published in their Something Borrowed Anthology in June.  Stay tuned for more details.  Check out Still Moments they have some great books.  www.stillmomentspublishing.com